片刻间,马哲又兴奋的窜回来,朝张婷喊道“他们可以谈《Don’t cry》!我帮你点了,你唱G调对不对?”
《Don’t cry》的前奏响了起来,马哲在台上连连朝张婷挥手。张婷熬不过,终于起身上台。
NND,竟然是这首只要是个乐队都会排的《Don’t cry》。大学时候的记忆也在钰东的脑中翻腾起来,他终于不肯再做冷板凳了,风头不能都被他俩占尽。他一口气喝完了手里的酒,吧嗒一声把瓶子重重放在桌上,也起了身。只见他直奔台上乐队的主音吉他,和乐手耳语了几句,便把琴抢了过来。
而马哲这时候并没有注意到钰东的举动,只是把一个麦拿在手里,站在离观众最近的地方报幕,“下面有请当年我们学校的最佳乐队主唱Tinky小姐给大家带来一曲《Don’t cry》,大家掌声欢迎!”
Talk to me softly
There\039;s something in your eyes
Don\039;t hang your head in sorrow
And please don\039;t cry
I know how you feel inside
I\039;ve been there before
Something\039;s changing inside you (Something is strange looks i do)
And don\039;t you know
Don\039;t you cry tonight
I still love you baby
Don\039;t you cry tonight
Don\039;t you cry tonight
There\039;s a heaven above you baby
And don\039;t you cry tonight
Give me a whisper
And give me a sign
Give me a kiss before you tell me goodbye
Don\039;t you take it so hard now
And please don\039;t take it so bad
I\039;ll still be thinking of you
And the times we had...baby
And don\039;t you cry tonight
Don\039;t you cry tonight
Don\039;t you cry tonight
There\039;s a heaven above you baby
And don\039;t you cry tonight
And please remember that I never lied
And please remember how I felt inside now honey
You gotta make it your own way
But you\039;ll be alright now sugar
You\039;ll feel better tomorrow
Come the morning light now baby
And don\039;t you cry tonight
And don\039;t you cry tonight
And don\